At this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, issues are surfacing to be cleared that have their roots deep in the past. We carry the imprints of these at cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations on this, and on other planets. These issues are available to be cleared now, through the ability of the Angels to transcend time and space as we know it.
I hope to assist you to
- DNA Human Design Report Writer
Unleash your talents to complete your life's mission
- Angelic Reiki Natural Healer
Untie the stuck point and improve your relationships
- I-Ching Scrying
Realize your current energy flowing
- Cash Flow Game Coach
Realize the restrictive thinking that limits the expansion of your wealth
- Certified Financial Planner
Achieve wealth, time, body and soul freedom
Angelic Reiki Healing
Angelic Reiki offers a radically new approach to angels and healing. It is uniquely based on ancient wisdom and modern therapeutic principles.
Through guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangelic principles, plus their knowledge of Spiritual ‘Law’, Kevin and Christine Core wove together a unique and profound system of healing and personal empowerment.
​Cash Flow Game Coaching
The board game divides life into three different levels and has the universe as the background. The best learning is accomplished by doing the real thing. With this board game, we able to test our financial knowledge and learn from our mistakes in game.
Iching Tarot
Receive profound advice for your most complex concerns. This Iching Tarot is designed to help you move through whatever issues you're facing with greater clarity and confidence. From personal matters to questions about love, career, finances, or a major decision you need to make, this versatile spread has advice for any area of your life,
The word comes from the Sanskrit cakra meaning “wheel” or “circle” also referring to the “wheel of life”.
The openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their main function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring a higher development to our self-consciousness. They are associated with our physical, mental, and emotional interactions. When you understand your chakras, and how they relate to your life, you can seek help in ensuring they are in a healthy state. While it’s rare for all chakras to be balanced consistently, by becoming more aware of them can help you sense blockages and take steps to cleanse and align them.