Our Services
Planning helps a company to chart a roadmap to achieve its objectives. Likewise, wealth succession planning enables the estate planner, through the use of estate planning instruments such as wills, trusts, foundations and holding companies to assist you in achieving your wealth succession objectives.
> 90% eligible Malaysians do not have a Will. Through assisting many high net worth families in planning their wealth succession, we have noticed that while many of them are concerned with succession when they are no longer around, a high proportion do not have proper estate plans because of procrastination or not knowing where to go to seek advice.
Through unplanned inheritance, many family businesses fall along the way and the depletion of family wealth begins following the absence of the patriarch.
Writing a Will alone may not be adequate as there is still a need to go through the estate administration process before the family can gain access to the estate. In the meantime, liquidity and business uncertainty become significant issues. Below are some of the questions which you may ponder over:
- Can your wealth last beyond three generations?
- Do your heirs know how to manage wealth?
- Do you know that is possible for a former spouse to make claims for a major portion of your assets?
- Do you have a succession plan for your business?
- Can your business partner/s work with your spouse or your children in your absence?
- Will they be able to convert the business interest into cash is they are not interested in getting involved with the business?
- Do you know that overseas assets in certain countries may be subject to wealth, gift, capital gains or inheritance tax upon demise?

Depending on your objectives, below are the areas which a plan can be devised to assist in:-
Asset protection
- Protecting your hard-earned assets from being squandered by spendthrift beneficiaries or from creditor's claim.
Maintaining liquidity
- Imagine your child is studying overseas and all of a sudden, he is unable to continue due to the frozen estate.
- This could happen by bank foreclosure from unsettles mortgage instalments due to lack of immediate funds.
Preservation of businesses
- Passing the baton to your next generation to run the business while allowing your heirs to enjoy the fruits of business.
Business exit strategy
- Ensuring a smooth transition of the business to other co-owners.
- Protect the value of your share of business against events such as death, incapacity, ills health, etc.
Overseas assets
- Your estate overseas when you are no longer around.
- While you may have made much donations to charitable organizations, you may wish would continue.
- We will ensure your charity act to continue to do so even after your demise but only on your terms.